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Wicked Executioners is a 25+ only family. Grand Theft Auto Online is made for adult audiences and we do not want to expose under-age gamers to adult content, interactions and conversation. This is difficult to monitor and enforce. However, any underage members will find themselves removed from the crew without notice. In any cases in which we are unsure whether-or-not, the player is underage; they may be required to prove their age. Any member deemed by crew peers to be underage will be removed without notice. If you are 18 and would like to join, it will be based on level of maturity. Please fill out the form below. If you still wish yo join


Must have a Microphone:
Here at Wicked Executioners, we love to be able to communicate with our members in game as well as on discord. So for this reason, we are requiring that all members have a microphone

Be Mature and Respectful:
Most of us have full-time jobs or School even both and want to come home to a relaxing and fun experience when we are gaming. If you're constantly yelling over the mic and being obnoxious it makes the experience bad for everyone. If you have a disagreement with someone try to handle it in a civilized manner like most adults do. Most times whatever is upsetting you will turn out to be a complete misunderstanding.

Help out  family whenever possible:
Here in Wicked Executioners, we have a strong camaraderie with our family members. We want to ensure it stays this way. This is why we have the rules set in place. It is your duty as a family member to assist any other member of the family in a time of gaming need.


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